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Speed data access and manage rapid imaging data growth 
"Mauris placerat, metus a placerat congue, orci nisi suscipit erat, id finibus turpis augue vel lacus. Vivamus pulvinar quis justo facilisis." — Kim DoE, VP Marketing, Acme Direct
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Improve patient services and simplify data management.
Qumulo enterprise-proven hybrid cloud file storage enables healthcare organizations to unify the storage of imaging and clinical data, to speed accessibility and analysis, while delivering analytics, intelligence and efficiencies to streamline processes, simplify management, and reduce costs of retaining and protecting data.
Modern imaging techniques require high-performance storage

With Qumulo enterprise-proven hybrid cloud file storage, today’s healthcare organizations can continuously improve patient experiences and commercial efficiency by leveraging modern file storage to support and manage growing data capacities generated by higher resolution diagnostic and interventional radiology imaging, along with embracing the benefits of evolving artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to grow research initiatives and innovation.

Research imaging data storage
Modern imaging techniques are an essential part of cutting-edge research.

These imaging techniques offer many technologies: microscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, mass spectrometry, X-ray imaging, radar imaging, ultrasound imaging, photoacoustic imaging, thermal imaging, and imaging from telescopes and satellites. All of these techniques produce large amounts of file data and put tremendous demands on an organization’s file storage system.